Daylight Solutions

Hedgehog™ Mid-IR Laser

Tune 100s of cm-1 at 1000 cm-1/s.

Cute name. Fearsome performance. Ideal for laboratory or OEM use, the Hedgehog Mid-IR Laser is DRS Daylight’s next-generation tunable laser head. Built on our proven External Cavity Quantum Cascade Laser technology, the Hedgehog laser is a unique combination of small size, tuning speeds to > 5000 cm-1/s, CW or pulsed output, high power, TEM00 beam quality, and unmatched spectral repeatability.

Molecular spectroscopy applications benefit from rapid, high-SNR data acquisition. Probing multiple molecules, or probing an absorption feature with high dynamic range, also benefits from broad mid-IR tuning. The Hedgehog system provides these benefits, with its wide, rapid tuning across the mid-IR spectrum, low-noise output, and high spectral and spatial beam quality. Its sealed, alignment-free design and GUI and SDK included as standard let you access this performance with ease.

Select from three standard Hedgehog models: Hedgehog (tunes up to 200 cm-1), Hedgehog-UT (tunes up to 400 cm-1), and Hedgehog-LT (tunes up to 30 cm-1).

MIRcat Mid-IR Laser

The broadest tunable QCL for mid-infrared spectroscopy

The latest MIRcat™ is the broadest tunable QCL system commercially available, marking a major advancement in mid-infrared spectroscopy. Building on over a decade of engineering innovation, MIRcat offers a tuning range of up to 1000 wavenumbers with 3 channels and 1400 wavenumbers with 4 channels. This advanced platform delivers exceptional tuning range, high sensitivity, and faster performance, making it perfect for cutting-edge analytical applications. MIRcat is designed to meet the evolving needs of modern spectroscopy with unmatched precision and efficiency.

Peak velocities up to 30,000 cm-1/s

The MIRcat adds high-speed tuning, higher spectral repeatability, improved thermal management, and longer-wavelength options to the first generation of the MIRcat laser, a field-proven multi-quantum cascade laser system. The MIRcat is truly a one-box, fully automated system with a flexible, modular design that allows factory configuration of up to four pulsed or continuous wave/pulsed modules, plus the option to add or upgrade modules later. The MIRcat offers a tuning range approaching 1000 cm-1 (> 6 µm) and wavelength coverage to > 13 µm. It also delivers unmatched, industry-leading performance in critical areas like peak tuning speeds of > 30,000 cm-1/s, output power up to 1 W, and TEM00 beam quality to enable high-efficiency fiber coupling. A new, higher-precision tuning mechanism and lower-noise drive electronics provide wavelength repeatability as high as < 0.1 cm-1 and CW RIN as low as -140 dBc/Hz.

Aries-2™ Mid-IR Laser

High Power, Fixed Wavelength, Narrowband Output

The Aries-2 series is a family of fixed-wavelength, narrowband mid-IR lasers with an average output power of up to 1 W. The Aries-2 laser has an extremely robust and stable resonator structure providing users with superb linewidth control and wavelength stability, especially as environmental conditions vary. With a wide selection of quantum cascade laser chips available, Aries-2 can be factory-configured to suit different application needs.

Aries-2 systems include a SideKick laser controller, which gives you flexible, precise control of laser output power, temperature, and pulse parameters.

The Aries-2 series is a family of fixed-wavelength, narrowband mid-IR lasers with an average output power of up to 1 W. The Aries-2 laser has an extremely robust and stable resonator structure providing users with superb linewidth control and wavelength stability, especially as environmental conditions vary. With a wide selection of quantum cascade laser chips available, Aries-2 can be factory-configured to suit different application needs.

Aries-2 systems include a SideKick laser controller, which gives you flexible, precise control of laser output power, temperature, and pulse parameters.

CW-MHF™ Mid-IR Laser

Tune > 30 cm-1 Without Mode Hops

The CW-MHF Mid-IR Laser is the ultimate tool for high-resolution, mid-IR spectroscopy. If you need high spectral resolution, phase-continuous tuning to avoid jumping over spectral lines, or both, the DRS Daylight CW-Mode-Hop-Free laser will meet your needs. Narrow-linewidth operation and MHF tuning is a high bar to reach in any laser system. Unique in the industry, the CW-MHF system provides open-loop linewidths of ≤ 5 MHz (over 100 ms) and MHF tuning to > 30 cm-1, and often to > 100 cm-1*. Drawing on years of precision engineering and manufacturing experience, the CW-MHF laser achieves this performance with a highly stable laser cavity that, guided by finite element analysis, was designed to reduce susceptibility to acoustic perturbation. The CW-MHF laser also includes two ways to modulate wavelength: via a PZT or current modulation. This exclusive combination of wide MHF tuning, narrow-linewidth operation, and modulation capability enables high-resolution spectroscopy and/or locking to a wavelength reference.

Spero IR Microscope

Unrivaled Mid-IR Spectroscopy

QCL-IR Microscopy, by the QCL-IR Experts

In a class of their own, the family of Spero® microscopes represents the world’s first and highest performing wide-field spectroscopic microscopy and imaging platform based on broadly tunable mid-infrared quantum cascade laser (QCL-IR) technology. Get high-quality data at unprecedented speeds.

Forged from Field Experience, Powered by Daylight™

The Spero® microscope is our response to the scientific community’s demand for high-throughput and high-sensitivity, label-free infrared microscopy. Building on Daylight’s expertise in QCL-IR technology, systems, and instrumentation, we pioneered the first wide-field QCL-IR microscope to operate across the important spectral fingerprint region (5-11 µm) in 2014. Since 2014, Daylight has continued to hone and expand the performance of the Spero platform, which is now in its 3rd generation. Spero systems have been successfully installed in over 12 countries and have been field-tested in demanding applications, spanning tissue diagnostics, to cancer research to characterizing novel metamaterials and environmental microplastics.

QCL-IR Microscopy with Spero®

Spero-QT 340

The new Spero-QT 340 system is the third-generation Spero and builds on the successes of its groundbreaking predecessors launched in 2014 and 2017 respectively. Like its predecessors, the Spero-QT 340 provides unrivaled mid-IR spectroscopy, substantially outperforming FTIR microscopes in spatial resolution, speed, and field-of-view while eliminating the need for cryogenic cooling and valuable lab space. Furthermore, it maintains the wide-field, high-resolution attributes of its two predecessors, but with the capability to produce twice the data in one-tenth of the time, while achieving unprecedented signal-to-noise ratios (SNR). The Spero-QT 340 stage can image up to 3 microscope slides, and its larger sample compartment makes it more compatible with microfluidic devices and accessories.

Utilizing Daylight’s unique, patented QCL-IR light engine, Spero-QT 340 is faster than Raman and Photothermal IR microscopes by orders of magnitude while avoiding sample auto-fluorescence and sample degradation by highly focused light sources. Using a proprietary wide-field, low-noise instrument architecture, Spero microscopes enable new data collection modalities such as live, real-time chemical imaging, and user-defined sparse discrete frequency data collection. And the best part? The small desktop footprint (dimensions here in cm) makes Spero suitable for labs with space constraints.

Spero-LT 340

The Spero-LT 340 is the latest addition to the Spero product family. The LT offers the same high-performance speed and resolution as Spero-QT, but offers a lower price-point entry into the Spero family for users who only need transmission, wide-field imaging (a perfect match for tissue imaging and microplastics!). Even better, Spero-LT allows users to upgrade to Spero-QT later if needed.

Please contact Daylight Solutions us to learn more about the different Spero models, and what Spero configuration options are available.

Already an LT owner? Contact us to upgrade your LT today to the top-of-the-line QT model.

Why Quantum Cascade Laser Infrared (QCL-IR) Microscopy?

Quantum cascade lasers provide orders of magnitude higher spectral brightness than incoherent light sources like those used in FT-IR for example. The Spero QCL-IR microscope takes full advantage of this higher spectral brightness, in addition to a set of proprietary compound refractive objective lenses, to illuminate hundreds of thousands of pixels all at once (in parallel). This proprietary approach enables extremely high throughput chemical imaging without sacrificing sensitivity.

QCL-IR-based spectroscopy has its roots in the very well-known and universally accepted Beer-Lambert absorption principle. It is therefore a tool for not only spectrally fingerprinting unknown substances but also for directly quantitating how much of a substance is present with high accuracy. Other techniques like Raman and Photothermal microscopy require special knowledge (e.g. scattering efficiency, thermal diffusion, etc.) of the sample material properties in order to arrive at a quantitative estimate. Furthermore, single point raster scanning IR reflectance instruments require the decoupling of the real and imaginary parts of the refractive index of the sample to perform spectral fingerprinting. This post-processing can be strongly influenced on the particle shape and size making it especially difficult to leverage existing spectral libraries.

What is the difference between QCL-IR Microscopy and FT-IR Microscopy?

FT-IR (Fourier Transform Infrared) has been widely used for microscopy and spectroscopy applications since the late 1960s. As imaging applications have become more demanding for higher-throughput, new technologies have begun to displace FT-IR.

The largest difference between QCL-IR and FT-IR comes down to signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and time-to-results. FT-IR typically uses incoherent light (such as Globar®)—very similar to an incandescent light bulb. This light emits photons over a broad spectral range and is detected using a scanning interferometer. Since the light source is thermal, high sensitivity detectors and liquid nitrogen are necessary.

Alternatively, QCL-IR microscopy uses all photons at about the same wavelength yielding much higher spectral irradiance. This allows the user to collect a chemical image with an uncooled focal plane array detector (FPA) at 150x faster than a conventional FT-IR microscope at equal SNR. While FT-IR offers a broader spectrum, the success of QCL-IR in a variety of applications has shown that this wider coverage is not essential for many applications.

How does QCL-IR Microscopy work?

A QCL-IR microscope consists of four main sub-systems: (1) a tunable quantum cascade laser or string of QCLs working in concert to cover wider spectral ranges (2) a set of wide-field imaging objective lenses (3) an infrared sensitive focal plane array imager and (4) a precision X,Y,Z stage. At any given instant, only a narrow wavelength (wavenumber) band emits from the QCL. The exact wavelength of that laser is precisely controlled by actuation of an external cavity frequency selective element (a diffraction grating) and is done so seamlessly by the instrument at a rapid tuning speed (msec). The laser light is then transmitted (in the case of transmission imaging) through the sample, then passes through a wide-field infrared objective before it is collected by the focal plane array imager. In the case of the Spero microscope, the imager is a special, broadband and uncooled microbolometer camera operating at video frame rates. The wide-field imaging offers a very large field-of-view (FOV) compared to an FT-IR and enables live, single frequency and rapid hyperspectral imaging of samples.

QCL-IR Microscope Diagram

Lasers and Coherence

Coherence is a fundamental and important property of laser light which is discussed in two: temporal (frequency) and spatial.

Daylight has used its nearly two decades of experience designing and manufacturing thousands of QCL-IR sources and instruments to optimize the Spero’s overall performance and meet the demands of critical applications like tissue imaging and particle analysis. Under the hood, the Spero platform leverages some of Daylight’s most advanced and proprietary coherence control technology to suppress both spatial and temporal coherence effects arising by light-sample interaction while still preserving two main intrinsic advantages of the laser source: high spectral brightness and a well-defined linear polarization state. Preserving optical power is really important in maximizing signal in light starved applications such as flowing liquid analysis or reflectance measurements on weekly reflecting samples. Preserving the polarization state is especially important when conducting polarization dependent spectroscopic studies on novel materials. This technology produces high quality images without any digital post-processing as can be seen in the visible (left) and infrared (right) images of a 50 Euro note below collected by the Spero-QT 340 microscope. Coherence artefacts are not present in these non-processed (raw) images.

QCL-IR Imaging
Visible (Left) vs QCL-IR (Right) reflection mosaic image of a 50 Euro note

ChemVision™ Software for Spero

The Spero systems include ChemVision™ software as part of a complete imaging solution. ChemVision allows users to look at samples at a single frequency in live mode or collect full hyperspectral data cubes in under a minute. Data can be exported into MATLAB and ENVI format for further data processing.

Chemometrics packages are available. Daylight has partnered with Epina ImageLab to create a flexible and open programming interface for enhanced data processing and image analysis.

H-Model Mid-IR Laser

High Power, Fixed Wavelength

Our H-Model Mid-IR Laser offers high-power, mid-IR laser performance in a compact footprint. It’s based on the most advanced, reliable quantum cascade lasers on the market, making it suitable for a variety of OEM applications. Wavelengths ranging from 4 to 11 µm allow you to select the model that meets your specific application requirements. Multiple wavelengths can be aggregated to provide broad spectral output. Alternatively, the same wavelengths can be combined to scale power output.

The H-Model laser modules provide best-in-class optical performance, with near-diffraction-limited, watt-level output. Each module can be operated in CW or pulsed mode.