Research Category: QCL technology
Imaging 3D molecular orientation by orthogonal-pair polarization IR microscopy
Three-Dimensional Molecular Orientation Imaging of a Semicrystalline Polymer Film under Shear Deformation
A quantum cascade laser-pumped molecular laser tunable over 1 THz
Measurement of the mid-infrared absorption spectra of ethylene (C2H4) and other molecules at high temperatures and pressures
Application of quantum cascade lasers to trace gas analysis
Authors: A. Kosterev, G. Wysocki, Y. Bakhirkin, S. So, R. Lewicki, M. Fraser, F. Tittel, R. F. Curl
Journal: Appl. Phys. B 90, 165-176 DOI: 10.1007/s00340-007-2846-9
Year: 2008
Applications: QCL technology, Gas/Liquid Phase Analysis (SA)